2017 - 2018
2016 - 2017
2015 - 2016
2014 - 2015
2013 - 2014
2012 - 2013
Rochester Institute of Technology (R.I.T.)
University of Massachusetts-Boston
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin - Madison
University of Wisconsin - Superior
"A terrific hockey player and an even greater person."
Justine Pellmann played with the 2004-2005 Wild U19AAA team and was scheduled to attend and play hockey the following season at Elmira College in New York. Justine accomplished much in a few short years, and we will all miss her very much.
The Pellmanns have established a memorial scholarship fund in Justine's name and ask that contributions be made to that fund in lieu of flowers.
Justine Pellmann Memorial Fund
c/o Waukesha State Bank
100 Bank Street
P.O. Box 648
Waukesha, WI 53187
If you wish to send a card to the family, their address is:
The Pellmann Family
738 Heron Drive
Waterford, WI 53185-2877
The Wisconsin Wild extends its prayers and condolences to the Pellmann Family and friends.
Congratulations to U16 player Kelly O'Brien and U19 player Anna Donlan for receiving the Justine Pellmann Award.
This award winner is chosen by the coach for dedication to team play, academic achievement, community involvement and overall love for the game of hockey!